
Showing posts from December, 2015

Youtube streaming 20 minute SuperSet workouts

LIVE YOUTUBE STREAMED WORKOUTS Subscribe to My Youtube channel as I stream my 20 minute SuperSet home workouts. Live at five be sure to subscribe so you will know when the show begins. Hope to see you there!

Gain Size past 55 with Muscle Set Fitness

Everything in moderation. The human body is fragile. Eat sleep and lift using bio mechanics. Don't follow some stupid chart telling you to do 10 sets of this and 12 sets of that. 20 Minutes a day effort and you will look muscular and fit. Diets don't work so why do them. Eat what you want but in moderation. Download  Arnolds Blueprint to adding mass  pdf.   Yes eating even includes Mcdonald's!

Home Workouts

Home Workouts in the Basement If you have dumbbells at home you can workout with weights. With a chin up or pull up bar you can do pretty much anything at home for Free a Gym wants to charge you for. Look in the classifieds for a bench and a set of dumbbells.  Save $500 and more a year for a Gym membership not to mention your time and travel, which includes gas. For $100 or less make your own home gym. For some reason people give this stuff away. To bad for them! Muscle Set to music and your ready to rock.

You wanna talk about muscle!

BiGG's Blog

Muscle Set Home Workout

It's winter. It's 30 below zero. Yeah, I wanna really go out. Try my home workouts. Watch me on YouTube.